It hit me last week that I'm starting to get older now that everyone's back at school and I'm doing my own thing with work and whatnot. I am excited because I applied for a debit MasterCard and that should be arriving in the mail sometime this week hopefully. So now I can buy things online with my own money that I lust for so bad without having to use mum's credit card. On that note, I bought 3 books online today. Andy Warhol's Screen Tests, Stargirl, and Deborah Spungen's story on her daughter Nancy's murder. I haven't read it before, but I've heard that it's a book you can't put down.. and Stargirl - I've read some online but stopped short because I didn't want to spoil the experience of reading it from a book itself.. because that kind of defeats the purpose of what books are there for. I also bought a new vintage clock! From one of my favourite shops Jaffa. It's snazzy and was worth the expense (well I think so anyway). So in summary, I've been doing a whole lot of spending when I'm supposed to be doing a whole lot of saving. Also I'm addicted to browsing people's Tumblr accounts. Some people just have the best photos, and that's what I love looking at.. pictures. After hearing great great stories of how greatly great Melbourne is, I am yearning to live there. Even though I haven't even been there.. or outside of my state for that matter, besides being born on the other side of the country (as I moved to my current state when I was 2, I hardly count that as experiencing other states). Anywho, I best be off to get an early night as I start work at 6 in the morning, and will need to get up at 4 to have a shower and wash, dry, and straighten my hair.. That's my update.
Ciao for now.