Super Kawaii

The Japanese Do It Better. I have always been a fan of the crazy Harajuku street styles. They can pull it off so well too, so courageous. Their cool confidence is what helps I think, in making it look cool. I honestly think they're the most stylish culture.. in the kooky sense. I like that they're completely over the top, and unnecessary, having no practicality. But I'm not one of those girls/boys that are in love with the Japanese culture as a whole to the point one of my hobbies is drawing my own manga-style pictures and watch anime. No, I just really like their crazy fashion. And I can't wait, summer in Japan 2011! Will be fun I hope! xx


  1. Tokyo's street style is wonderful and there are many different styles, not just the crazy over the top ones. You'll see when you go. Its fun to go shopping too! I bought so many great items when I went. It was so much fun!

  2. Ooooh yeah, I see now.. now that I think of it, I couldn't imagine EVERY one would be wearing crazy over the top outfits anywho hah :) But yeah, sounds so good, I can't wait!

  3. Oh I love Japanese style and they are just so cute! Oh very jealous of your upcoming trip... Japan is on my must visit list definitely!
